My Content

The images across this website are a part of my collection of outdoors photography.
I also create a multitude of other media formats.

How We Share Information

We exist in a world of bright and curious beings, eager to discover, communicate, understand. As our intellectual and technological capabilities have evolved, so have our methods for sharing information with each other. How We Share Information is an ongoing creative research project to explore the technology, skills and people needed to make it possible.

How We Share Information

Exploring the Midwest

In my free time, I enjoy kayaking across freshwater lakes or hiking through the Midwest forests and prairies for spectacular imagery. To stretch my creative muscles once I’m back home, I also enjoy editing my photography and videos, as well as painting and woodcarving.

Photography and Video

An underwater scene with sand and moss towards the bottom of the picture. A bluegill swims to the left in full profile view.

Painting and Woodcarving